Leading from the Front: Quick Takes

Below are a series of quick tips and advice from our Founders, Brent Bouldin & Scott Gardner. These 2-3 minute audio and video clips are intended to give in-house senior marketing leaders some practical advice on solving problems and leading their brands and internal teams to new levels of digital marketing success. Enjoy!

>> Full Transcript: Building Internal Capabilities

>>Full Transcript: The 80/20 Principle in Marketing

>>Full Transcript: What to Look for in a Potential Vendor Partner

>>Full Transcript: Four Practical Tips to Improve SEO in 2021

>>Full Transcript: 5 Marketing Trends to Watch for in 2021

>>Full Transcript: Internal vs. External Marketing Spend

>>Full Transcript: The Best Destination for PPC Traffic

Brent Bouldin
Brent Bouldin is a Partner and Co-Founder of New Media Advisors. Previously, Brent was Head of Marketing, Media and Customer Acquisition at Choice Hotels International and led the Digital Marketing and Media Center of Excellence at Bank of America. Brent has held strategy consulting roles at Deloitte Consulting and Ernst & Young and served as the Chief Strategist at FedEx.com. He has led Digital and Social Committee of the Association of National Advertisers (ANA) and has a seat on the North American Board of Directors for the Mobile marketing Association (MMA).

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